Belief in a Creator God: Its Implications


Bird on a branch


This article discusses the meaning and implications of belief in a creator God – stated in the Nicene Creed as “we believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible” [emphasis mine]. Three broad areas are addressed – creatio ex nihilo, creatio continua, and the problem of theodicy. (In an article of this length, however, one cannot address all the issues raised.)  

Photo credit: Intellimon Ltd. 



A New Website Looking at the Creation

Another website that my wife, Eva, has created is entitled Heaven's Reflections ( Her website presents a fresh look at the physical world and life around us. The content is built on the Bible-based assumption that God is behind everything that exists.

The website articles examine everyday phenomena and draw from them, based on the Bible, lessons for physical and spiritual life. They are organized under three headings – times and seasons, natural phenomena, and living things.

May a new look at things we take for granted bring us to a sense of wonder, awe, and gratitude at the marvels around us. May we come to recognize the sacred and divine in all things and begin to feel at one with the Almighty God and all of creation.



 Spirituality Theology
 Introduction to Spirituality
 Formative Spirituality
 Prayer and Prayerfulness
 Spirituality of the Heart
 Spirituality of Pastoral Care
 Spiritual Autobiographies
 Writings on the Spiritual Life
 The Psalms
 Ten Genres of Psalms
 God's Kingship in the Royal Psalms
 Psalms-Language of Prayer
 Psalms 44 and 104
 Vengeance Is God's
 The Hiddenness of God
 Liturgical Spirituality
 Liturgy and Spirituality: Definitions
 Liturgical Spirituality: Implications
 Anglican Spirituality
 Book of Common Prayer
 Ecology, Cosmology, and Spirituality
 Our Picture of the Universe
 Mystery at End of Universe
 Evolution and God
 The Scientific Priesthood
 The Ecological Age
 Contemporary Economic Model
 Aboriginal and Biblical Creation Accounts
 Aspects of Aboriginal Religion
 Reflections on Nature and Spirituality
 Historical Spirituality
 Biblical Studies
 Old Testament
 Creation Theology
 Notes from My Notebook
 Theodicy: Evil if God Is Good?
 Is Suffering from God?
 Belief in a Creator God: Implications
 New Testament
 The Church
 History of the Early Church
 Mission of the Church
 Christian Education
 Site Map



When the night grows chill, don't you draw the blanket closer around you? So, when grief assails you, draw the warmth of the Name of the Lord closer around your mind. (Satha Sai Speaks, Vol. 4, p. 33)

Similar thought: "Our help is in the name of the LORD" (Psalm 124:8, NIV).